Actor and writer Sanjeev Bhaskar first came to widespread public attention through the ground-breaking BBC comedy sketch show Goodness Gracious Me. He followed this success with his solo venture, ‘The Kumars at No. 42’. Sanjeev can also be seen in the films ‘Anita and Me’, ‘The Guru’, ‘The Mystic Masseur’ and ‘Notting Hill’, and has appeared in the West End smash hit musical, Monty Python’s ‘Spamalot’. He is married to Kumars co-star Meera Syal.
Sanjeev Bhaskar
Actor and writer Sanjeev Bhaskar first came to widespread public attention through the ground-breaking comedy sketch show ‘Goodness Gracious Me’ which began on Radio 4 and became a hit BBC TV show and a national theatre tour. He followed up this success with his equally successful solo venture, The Kumars at No. 42. Sanjeev is the creator and writer of the show and plays the role of the hapless Sanjeev Kumar, who tries to host and broadcast a celebrity chat show from his parents’ living room. Sanjeev can also be seen in the films ‘Anita and Me’, ‘The Guru’, ‘The Mystic Masseur’ and ‘Notting Hill’. Sanjeev’s most well-know West End theatre work includes Yasmin Reza’s award-winning play ‘Art ‘and he has appeared as King Arthur in Monty Python’s smash hit musical ‘Spamalot’. He is married to his ‘Kumars’ co-star Meera Syal. ‘India with Sanjeev Bhaskar’ is his first book.