Endgame - Rules of the Game (Endgame, Book 3)

By James Frey

The explosive final novel in the Endgame trilogy, by New York Times bestelling author, James Frey.

Two keys have been found. The strongest Players are left. One final key remains to win Endgame and save the world.

For Sarah, Jago, Aisling, Maccabee, Shari, An, and Hilal, Endgame has reached its final phase. The third key, Sun Key, is all that stands between one Player saving their line – or perishing along with the rest of the world. And only one can win.

West Bengal, India: Maccabee is Playing to win. He has Earth Key and Sky Key and he is determined to find Sun Key. But in Endgame, fate can turn in the blink of an eye. He must Play carefully. He must watch his back.

Kolkata, India: An Liu is Playing for death. His goal: stop Endgame, and take the world down with him.

Sikkim, India: For Aisling, Sarah, Jago, Shari, and Hilal, their mission is to stop Endgame. Sun Key must not be found.

No matter what they’re Playing for, all of the remaining Players have one thing in common: they will end the game, but on their own terms.

Author: James Frey
Format: Paperback
Ageband: from 13
Release Date: 13 Jul 2017, 06 Jun 2017 (Export Date)
Pages: 336
ISBN: 978-0-00-758526-7
Price: £7.99, €None
James Frey is originally from Cleveland. He is the author of the bestselling novels, A Million Little Pieces and My Friend Leonard. He lives in New York.

”'ENDGAME is an emotional roller coaster, a lightning-paced novel with fights to the death. Every scene is like th eroll of decahedron dice: unpredictable and irregular. I highly recommend this novel.” - TeenReads

”'A unique dystopian adventure with anchors to the real world… set to become a cultural phenomenon.” - ALA Booklist

”'The premise is engaging, in a Hunger Games-meets-National Treasure sort of way, and the diverse global cast is welcome.” - Publishers Weekly