Best-Loved Classics - Sleeping Beauty (Best-Loved Classics)

By Sarah Gibb, Illustrated by Sarah Gibb

A beautifully illustrated, magical retelling of one of the most beloved fairy tales.

Once upon a time, there was a girl called Rosebud, a beautiful princess born to the happiest King and Queen in all the land. But aged sixteen, she pricks her finger on a spinning wheel and enters a hundred-year sleep. Add to the story some fairies, an enchanted forest and an unbreakable curse…but how will it all end?

An enchanting combination of classic retelling and contemporary illustrations for young readers.

Format: Paperback
Ageband: 4 to 7
Release Date: 06 Jul 2023
Pages: 32
ISBN: 978-0-00-752630-7
Price: £7.99 (Export Price) , £7.99, €None
Sarah Gibb studied Graphic Design at St Martins and then did an MA in Sequential Illustration at the University of Brighton. She illustrates the incredibly popular children’s fiction series, The Tiara Club, and novels such as The Nanny Diaries. As well as illustrating books, Sarah works on greetings cards and packaging for clients including Crabtree and Evelyn, Marks and Spencer and Harrods. She lives in London with her husband and young son.

Praise for The Princess Who Had No Kingdom, illustrated by Sarah Gibb: -

”'If you’re going to enter the rococo Neverland of poor-but-deserving princesses searching for Mr Right among assorted prince Wrongs, you might as well do it with the skill and aplomb of Ursula Jones and Sarah Gibb.” - Financial Times

”'An old-fashioned, romantic fairy tale with Crabtree and Evelyn decorative elegance, detailed silhouettes, and bronze gilding. Such outstanding prettiness with substance is rare, but this will win any girlie heart.” - Sunday Times