The Mentor

By Steve Jackson

Spying, lying and dying.

Fans of ‘Spooks’ will be swept away by Steve Jackson’s explosive debut novel.

They say lightning never strikes twice. They are wrong. London has been bombed for the second time in 2 years, but this time the enemy is a lot closer to home.

Paul Aston, a young MI6 Agent, is sent to investigate. But nothing could have prepared him for the scenes of horror and devastation that he sees. Images that will stay with him for the rest of his life.

The government blames MI6, MI6 blames the government, but the truth behind what the media are calling 18/8 is more chilling than anyone could have imagined.

Slowly, Aston tears away the layers of corruption, betrayal and murder to reveal the real culprit. Someone who knows every trick in the book, because he’s played every trick in the book. Someone who has a deep seething hatred of MI6 and will stop at nothing until his vengeance is satisfied.

He is The Mentor.

Format: Paperback (A Format)
Release Date: 19 Feb 2007
Pages: 496
ISBN: 978-0-00-721211-8
Price: £5.99 (Export Price) , £6.99, €None
On leaving school Steve Jackson fell into journalism, where filling in expense forms gave him a solid grounding in fiction writing. From there he meandered through numerous occupations – musician, recording engineer, university drop-out, guitar tutor, riding instructor – before turning his hand to thriller writing. Born in Scotland, he spent most of his childhood with his nose in a book in deepest, darkest Gloucestershire. He currently lives in St Albans.

”'Jackson’s thoroughly developed characters set this spy thriller well above others of it’s kind, and readers will be eager to follow Aston through the simultaneously released The Judas and future sequels.” - Publisher’s Weekly