
Order Form: Cosy Crime

Put a few logs on the fire, settle on in, and have a read of our marvellous selection of cosy crime novels.

Order Form: LGBTQ+ titles

Take a look at our offering of LGBTQ+ titles, including fiction stories featuring LGBTQ+ characters and non-fiction biographies, histories and memoirs.

Tolkien Reading Day

Tolkien Reading Day is held on the 25th of March every year. Find out how your store can take part!

Order form: Coronation

King Charles will be crowned the King of England on the 4th May 2023. Celebrate his coronation with these royal titles!

Order Form: Alan Garner

Alan Garner was born and still lives in Cheshire, an area which has had a profound effect on his writing and provided the seed of many ideas worked out in his books.