
Order Form: PAW Patrol

PAW Patrol is a globally popular animated children's TV series, starring six puppies that work together on missions to protect the shoreside community of Adventure Bay.

Order Form: Kiera Cass

Kiera Cass's No.1 New York Times bestselling Selection series has enchanted readers from the very first page.

Order form: Coronation

King Charles will be crowned the King of England on the 4th May 2023. Celebrate his coronation with these royal titles!

Order Form: Paddington

A complete order form of Paddington titles, including film tie-ins, classic titles and story collections.

Order Form: Reading Ladder

The Reading Ladder series helps children to enjoy learning to read. It features well-loved authors, classic characters and favourite topics.

Order Form: Female Voices

From Yomi Adegoke to Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie, this order form features some of the very best works by female voices.

Order Form: Diverse Books

An order form for HarperCollins UK's diverse books, featuring titles from Amrou Al-Kadhi, Angela Saini, Layla AlAmmar and more.

Order Form: Ross Welford

Ross Welford is the bestselling and award-winning author of Time Travelling with a Hamster; he writes pitch-perfect and adventurous fiction for readers aged 10+.